Micronaut Logos
Community Users may use Micronaut logos without prior written consent, so long as such use complies with the Micronaut Trademark Policy and both these statements are true: (1) the users are not acting on behalf or under the direction of a Commercial User, and (2) the logos are not being published on any medium (e.g., website, other publication) that is owned or controlled by a Commercial User.
Use of Micronaut logos by Commercial Users is prohibited without the prior written consent and express license of the Micronaut brand team. Commercial Users must complete and submit this form to request a license to use Micronaut logo(s) or mark(s).
No third party, whether a Community or Commercial User, may alter or modify Micronaut trademarks, except as expressly outlined in the Micronaut Brand Guidelines.
![horizontal Micronaut logo](https://micronaut.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/micronaut-horizontal-white-1024x323.png)
![stacked Micronaut logo](https://micronaut.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/micronaut-stacked-white.png)