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Micronaut Framework 4.5.0 Released!

by Jen Wiese Tags:

The Micronaut Foundation is pleased to announce the latest Micronaut framework release.


Enhancements to Existing Modules

Micronaut Core

Micronaut Data

The big features in Micronaut Data for this release are multi-tenancy via discriminator (partition key) and cursor based pagination:

Micronaut Servlet

Micronaut Servlet features several new enhancements:

Micronaut Micrometer

Micronaut 4.5 includes several useful community contributions to the Micrometer module:


New Modules

Micronaut JSON Schema

A new module is available for generating JSON schema definitions from classes at build time.

Micronaut SourceGen

A new SourceGen module is available for writing source generators, generating Builder classes and generating Wither classes. The goal is to provide a long term replacement for Lombok and simplify the ability to write new source generators with the Framework.

Micronaut Guice

new Guice module is available that allows the import of existing Guice modules, simplifying migration to the Micronaut framework for Guice users.


New Features 🎉


Dependency updates 🚀

Please view the full changelog for a long list of dependency updates! v4.4.0...v4.5.0


If you haven’t yet updated to Micronaut framework 4, this is an excellent opportunity to do so! Please feel free to reach out to us if you need any assistance.